Christmas Greetings
Letter to all members and friends of the Oregon Hungarian Communion of Friends from the Rev. John Szücs, former pastor of the Hungarian Christians of the United Church of Christ. Rev. Szücs served for 42 years in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area and recently resettled in Portland, Oregon. He wishes to extend 2002 Christmas Greetings to all members and friends with words of the following MEDITATIONA vast impressive painting is called �The Russian Serf� It shows a sled drawn by five horses, racing over a dreary snow-clad plain. The sled with its occupants was on its way to a neighboring town when a horrible sound of hungry wolves was heard. The steeds recognizing the sound race with lightning rapidity over the crisp snow but in spite of the best efforts the pack soon gains upon the sled. The landowner then shoots the forward wolf and then there is a brief halt as the wolves stop to devour their companion. But soon they catch up again. He repeats the shooting of the voracious beasts until the gun is empty. But soon they catch up again to the sled. A horse is cut loose, then another each time a brief respite enabling the sled to gain. The town is already in sight but the gun is empty and another horse has to be sacrificed. Now there is but one thing left to do, the serf passing the reigns into his owners� hands throws himself among the wolves. Once more there is a moments halt and the master drives safely beyond the reach of the devouring beasts to the gates of the town.
The serf has died for the master. The summary of the gospel says: �God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.� God the father threw as a prey His only son Jesus to the wicked enemies to be devoured. They mocked him, spitefully entreated him, scourged him and put Him to death, nailing him to the accursed tree.
And he has a right to expect something in return. First, that we give ourselves to him and then to consecrate our gifts to his service. Because God gave we like to give presents to our children and loved ones.
The Lord our heavenly Father has no pleasure in the death of the wicked but rather that he should turn away from his way and live. Can any gift, any sacrifice be too much for our redeemer?
We worship you, heavenly Father that you have given your son Jesus Christ for our salvation. Help us to embrace him in faith, so that by believing in Him we may not perish but have eternal life in heaven. O� Lamb of God enter our hearts, take away our sins and give us peace. Let the spirit of peace reign the nations of the world.
Felhívom Magyar Keresztény Testvéreink figyelmét különösen az erdéyi és partiumi, továbbá a felvidéki kárpátaljai és délvidéki magyar fialtalok és felnőttek szükségleteire. Aki szeretne hozzájárulni erdélyi testvéreink megsegitéséhez, a Magyar Baráti Közösségen keresztül küldheti adományát.
It is more blessed to give then to receive. (Acts 20:35)
Boldog Karácsonyi Ünnepeket Kiván
Rev. John Szücs Szücs János L.P.
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