Remembering Trianon

The 85th Anniversary of the Greatest Tragedy in Hungarian History
on Sunday, June 5, 2005
at the American Hungarian Citizen's League
21 New Schley St. Garfield, NJ 07026

June 5, 1920 was one of the darkest days in Hungarian history. Hungary,
ending up on the loosing side at the conclusion of WWI, lost 63,6% of her
population and 71.5$ of her territory. Five million ethnic Hungarians,
without ever moving, involuntarily found themselves living in other
countries, with different languages forced onto them. (It has to be
emphasized, that Hungary, being a member of the Austro-Hungarian
Monarchy, was forced to participate in WWI.) This grossly unjust Treaty
by the "winners@ of the war, became the source and cause for many
problems: WWII, the Cold War, innumerable national frictions and personal
tragedies. Today the problems related to national identities in and
around the Carpathian Basin are identified to be rooted in the event
called "Trianon".

1:00 pm Exhibit
2:00 pm Video Showing in Hungarian

A documentary about the Treaty of Trianon will be screened in Hungarian.
The movie was produced for Hungarian TV. It is a fascinating and in-depth
review of the Hungarian "soul" and strong emotions relating to the unjust
outcome of WWI and WWII. It also points to the misrepresentations of
history by the communist regime.


A trianoni békeparancs a magyar történelem leggyászosabb eseménye, az
ország szétszaggatása a legnagyobb bûn, amit a magyar nemzet ellen
elkövettek. Területének 71%-át, lakosságának 63,6%-át osztották szét
idegen népek között. Az Amerikai Magyar Múzeum kiállítással és
Koltay Gábor TRIANON címû dokumentumfilmjének
vetítésével emlékezik meg e gyászos esemény 85. évfordulójáról az
Amerikai Magyar Polgári Ligában. Mindenkit szeretettel várunk.

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