HUNGARY: Tibor Gal Dies in Car Crash

Famous Hungarian oenologist dies in South Africa 25 Feb 2005 On February 10, 2005, Hungarian Oenologist and international wine figure Tibor Gal died at the age of 46 as a result of a car accident in South Africa. Gal had left a dinner with business associates and was driving alone when his car collided with an oncoming bus fatally injuring Gal and wounding the bus driver. Tibor Gal was recognized as Hungary's Oenologist of the Year in 1998. He founded GIA Winery in Eger in 1993 with the >>

A Small Victory For Europeanism

Dr. Michael A. Weinstein's article, "A Small Victory for Europeanism," appeared recently in Power and Interest News Report. As the publishers describe it, "The Power and Interest News Report (PINR) is an analysis-based publication that seeks, as objectively as possible, to provide insight into various conflicts, regions and points of interest around the globe. PINR approaches a subject based upon the powers and interests involved, leaving the moral judgments to the reader."

We >>

The Life and Untimely Death of Professor Thomas Szendrey

March 25 , 1941 - May 14, 2003 Dr. Thomas Szendrey, who for three decades was Professor of History at Gannon University died on May 14, 2003. He died after three years of illness, following a stroke on May 20, 2000. He was a loving husband, a caring father, a faithful friend, a learned colleague, and a man with a brilliant mind. He could have done so much more had fate given him a few more years to commit his brewing ideas into writing. I met Thomas during the 1950s in Cleveland, Ohio, >>

Celebrating March Fifteenth,1848 in Detroit

MBK Councillor Dr. Peter Kovalszki's address at the March 15 celebration in Detroit, Michigan. Dear Friends,

Today we have gathered again, to commemorate the 155th anniversary of the 1948 Hungarian Revolution. The 1848 Revolution and War of Independence is Hungary's most celebrated historic event: it left its stamp on all subsequent generations, it has divided and united, is a main source of national pride, but also of doubt and self-laceration.

If we had to summarize in one >>

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